Individual farmer solar plant GST requirements

Jayashree (Software Engineer) (82 Points)

20 November 2023  


i am individual farmer.  I am setting up 1 mw solar power plant on my own 5 acres land in solapur dist.

I have signed PPA with mahadiscomm (state govt undertaking) for 25 years with 3.30 tarrif

when i approached bank for the loan approx 3.0 CR (rest is my equity total project cost 4.0 CR),  bank is asking me for the GST certification.    I am indivdual farmer and i am not going to issue GST bill to the disscomm as sale of electricity is not under GST act

My consultant is saying that I still need to register and get GST number as

1] my annual revenue will be approx 50L and  2] he need my GST to mention it in eWay bill 

My question is since there no GST obligations for me for this business (sale of electricity) do i need to get  GST ?  if yes why ?


Thanks in advance