Which Finance Act is applicable for the November 2008 Examination for Indirect Taxes ?
Can someone please send me the same via email?would be great
Thanx in advance
Vijay Budhwani
(AVP Tax)
(326 Points)
Replied 23 August 2008
Finance Act 2007 is applicable i.e. relevant for year 2008-09. However amendments upto 30/04/2008 are also applicable
Vijay Budhwani
(AVP Tax)
(326 Points)
Replied 23 August 2008
Ooops... sorry that was for direct taxes. For Indirect tax, changes made by Finance Act 2008 are applicable coz.. in indirect tax many changes are made w.e.f. 1.3.2008
(554 Points)
Replied 23 August 2008
Yes it will. Every amendment before six month are applicable
d k
(83 Points)
Replied 24 August 2008
Can somebody please send me the amendmenst as applicable?or is a share file already available on this site for the same?
(CA Final)
(140 Points)
Replied 25 August 2008
I am referring BAngar for IDT. I have 10 th edition purchased for MAy 08 attempt..............
i m planning to continue with the same
is it ok or i have to purhcase 11th edition applicable for NOv 08 exam
Are there any huge amendments in IDT????
Originally posted by :Divya Kini | ||
" | Hi, Which Finance Act is applicable for the November 2008 Examination for Indirect Taxes ? Can someone please send me the same via email?would be great Thanx in advance |
" |
(Chartered Accountant)
(942 Points)
Replied 26 August 2008
Amendments applicable till April 30,2008 are applicable for the exam.
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