India's economic structure

Aisha (Finance Professional) (7874 Points)

08 October 2007  
Economic structure
Sep 12th 2007
From the Economist Intelligence Unit
Source: Country Profile

  2003(a) 2004(a) 2005(a) 2006(a) 2007(b)
GDP at market prices (Rs bn)(c) 27,654.9 31,266.0 35,671.8 41,257.3 46,379.0(d)
GDP (US$ bn) 596.1 692.7 805.6 922.3 1,124.0(d)
Real GDP growth (%)(e) 8.4 8.3 9.2 9.4 8.4(d)
Consumer price inflation (av; %) 3.8 3.8 4.2 6.2 5.7
Population (m) 1,049.7 1,065.1 1,080.3 1,095.4(b) 1,110.4
Exports of goods fob (US$ m) 60,895.0 77,939.0 102,328.0 123,208.0 144,426.5
Imports of goods fob (US$ m) -75,537.0 -105,975.0 -149,200.0 -184,362.0 -225,472.6
Current-account balance (US$ m) 8,773.0 781.0 -7,810.0 -10,357.0 -16,182.3
Foreign-exchange reserves excl gold (US$ m) 98,938.0 126,593.0 131,924.0 170,738.0 236,524.2
Total external debt (US$ bn) 112.9 124.4 123.1 131.1(b) 138.6
Debt-service ratio, paid (%) 18.8 13.7 13.0(b) 7.8(b) 7.3
Exchange rate (av) Rs:US$ 46.58 45.32 44.10 45.31 41.49
(a) Actual. (b) Economist Intelligence Unit estimates. (c) Fiscal year (beginning April 1st of year indicated); seasonally adjusted; includes statistical discrepancy. (d) Economist Intelligence Unit forecasts. (e) Fiscal year (beginning April 1st of year indicated).

More economic data

Origins of gross domestic product 2006(a) % of total Components of gross domestic product 2006(a) % of total
Agriculture 17.5 Private consumption 56.4
Industry 27.9 Government consumption 11.3
 Manufacturing 16.1 Fixed investment 29.5
Services 54.6 Stockbuilding 2.9
Statistical discrepancy 0.0 Exports of goods&services 23.0
    Imports of goods&services 25.8
Principal exports 2006(ab) US$ bn Principal imports 2006(ab) US$ bn
Engineering goods 26.2 Petroleum&petroleum products 57.1
Petroleum products 18.6 Machinery 32.7
Textiles&clothing 16.1 Electronic goods 15.9
Gems&jewellery 15.6 Gold&silver 14.6
Agricultural&allied products(c) 11.2 Chemicals 7.8
Main destinations of exports 2006 % of total Main origins of imports 2006 % of total
US 19.1 China 7.3
UAE 9.4 US 6.5
China 8.4 Germany 5.2
UK 4.9 Singapore 4.8
(a) Fiscal year (beginning April 1st). (b) Department of Commerce. (c) Includes plantation and marine products.