India cooperative cerdit socity

Rakesh Verma (5 Points)

23 March 2016  

Hello Everyone,

I dont know this is the a correct platform where I can ask this question but this is the only place where I found people with this kind of knowledge.

I need some help and experties in understanding the India Cooperative Cerdit Socity.

Questions are as follows:

1) What is the process to form a credite socity.

2) While first time registration of credite socity can we aproch for multi state registration.

3) All the rules and tax applied while forming the credite socity.

4) Modes of payments through which the member can deposite the money will it be only cash or it can be via cheque or online payment too.

This are some Initial questions for which I require answers.

And If some one have deep knowledge about credit socity working kindly share your contact number I can come and meet If required.

My location is mumbai.


Thank You.