India & august coal imports drop 8.3%, interocean data show


01 October 2011  

India’s August Coal Imports Drop 8.3%, Interocean Data Show

Coal imports by India’s power, cement and steel companies fell 8.3 percent in August from a month earlier, according to data from the Interocean Group of Companies.

Companies including Adani Enterprises Ltd. (ADE), Bhatia International Ltd. and JSW Energy Ltd. (JSW) imported 9.9 million metric tons of steam and coking coal last month via 29 Indian ports, the New Delhi-based ship broker said in a document obtained by Bloomberg News. That’s down from the 10.8 million brought into the country in July.

Mundra, a port on the west coast, where the Adani group imports most of its coal, received the highest shipments totaling 2.2 million tons. Visakhapatnam, Gangavaram and Krishnapatnam, all on the east coast, received 929,280 tons, 940,679 tons and 690,959 tons of the fuel, respectively, Interocean data showed. Paradip, also in the east, received 628,031 tons.

Most imports came from Indonesia, Australia and South Africa, the document showed.

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