Indexed cost of improvement in capital gains

sagar (CA FINAL) (115 Points)

12 September 2008  

Case1: A capital asset (non financial asset)  purchased on 1-4-1999 is sold on 30-8-2007. An improvement was made to that asset on 1-4-2003.

It is sure that the transfer results in long term capital gains and indexation benifit can be taken for calculating cost of acquisition and cost of improvement.

Case2: If the improvement to the capital asset in case1 above is made on 1-4-2006,we can claim indexation benifit on cost of acquisition. But can we claim indexation benifit  on improvement made to the asset ??? Pls explain with reasons.

(My doubt is that in case2 the gap between date of improvement and date of transfer is less than 36 months (17 months in this case) and it is not apt to claim indexation benifit on improvement made to the asset)