To what extent public limited company can increase the max no. of Directors beyond Twelve by Central Govt Permission?
(Company Secretary )
(596 Points)
Replied 14 July 2011
As per the sec prescribed no such limit is given . My views are there is as such no limit given, it depends on the permission grant by CG.
Views of learned members are solicited.
Dipjyoti Majumdar
(CA in service & CS. dipmaj@ )
(3468 Points)
Replied 14 July 2011
Your views are correct.
Any of the learned members have any idea what are the factors considered by CG in giving approval for increase
rachit jain
(chartered accountant )
(635 Points)
Replied 14 July 2011
there is no limit as such. cent.govt can allow any no of director if it is in public interest.
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 14 July 2011
I endorse the view of Rachit.
If any company wants to appoint director more than 12, whether it is premitted by its Articles, Central Government['s permission is required. Central Government if it thinks in the interest of public / shareholders permit the appointment of Director.
CS Pooja
(Company Secretary)
(305 Points)
Replied 15 July 2011
rachit jain
(chartered accountant )
(635 Points)
Replied 15 July 2011
yes. limit is only for minimum directors not for maximum.