INCOME TAX NOTICE for claiming deduction and verifying later

SUNNY (Designer) (62 Points)

04 February 2025  

I filed the return before 31july under old regime but forgot to verify it and relised my mistake in december and verified it, i had claimed 1.5 deduction. now i have got below notice from itr. Is it possible to revise the retun and file it under the new regime? how do i deal with this because accepting this will more more tax liability, pls help.


The taxpayer has to
file the ITR within
the due date to
exercise the option
u/s 115BAC(6) for
opting out of new tax
regime. Since the ITR
has not been filed
within the due date,
as per the provision
of sec 115BAC, any
claimed other than
those which are
allowed u/s 115BAC
will not be allowed