Income tax deduction on jointly owned let out house property

Mukesh S Boudai (Finance & Accounts officer)   (32 Points)

10 August 2016  

Facts of the case :- Amrita and her husband jointly hold a House Property (50:50 share). Housing Loan is also in joint name. Husband pays installment. Amrita never paid any installment though she is earning. The house is let out for Rs. 3,00,000/- per year. Interest on the loan is Rs. 4,50,000/- per annum. 

Query :-  How the income from house property and deduction of interest on housing loan will be shared between Amrita and her Husband ?

Option 1: Rent will be allocated 50:50 and interest also 50:50

Option 2: Rent will be allocated 50:50 but interest 100% to husband because he only paid interest

Option 3: Other way, please elaborate

I will be grateful if you could quote a case law