Dear All,
Could any one explain under which head of income will the rental Income from the leased property will be taxable?
eg. Mr. A owns a building and leases to Mr. "X" for a period of 10 Years. for Rs. 30000/- per month i.e. Rs.3,60,000/- per year.
In turn Mr. "X" - Re-Rent the same property to Mr. "P" for Rs. 50000/- per month i.e. Rs.6,00,000/- per year.
1. what will be the taxbale income of Mr. A & Mr. X ?
2. Do Mr. P has to deduct TDS from the Rent payable to Mr. P and similarly Mr X should deducted TDS from rent payable to Mr. A?
Your immediate response on this will be highly appreciated
Thank you in advance.