What do you mean by Income from House Property?
Unlike the other heads of income, Income from house property is a notional income based on a concept called Annual value. This is the value a property is expected to fetch if it is let out. It may be more than the actual rent being received if let out. If it is not let out the expected market/fair rent will be considered as annual value for the purpose of taxation. Property includes the building and the land surrounding it.
Yes, provided the property is not used for business purpose.
What are the conditions for taxing income from a property under this head?
The person should own the property.
No. You can claim any one as self occupied. Incomes from buildings situated in or near agricultural farm are considered exempt provided they are used for dwelling of the farm owner/cultivator or for related purposes of storage etc.
I own two houses both of which are occupied by my family and me. Is there any tax implication?
Yes. As already mentioned in the answer to Q.No: 87, income from house property is a notional income and only in respect of one residential unit, if self occupied, it will be considered as nil. In case of the other residential unit, marketable rental value will have to be offered for tax.
No. The net taxable income from the property must be calculated first and then apportioned between the co-owners. In this process of calculation maximum interest payable of Rs.1.5 lakh can be considered only once.
The calculation will have to be made separately for the various properties.
income tax