Income below the Minimum Slab, is Filing IT Returns Compulso

Page no : 2

APOORV SAXENA (Chartered Accountant) (794 Points)
Replied 01 March 2011

Guyss....i dont know about any circular as i havent seen was told by many IT officials and clerks.


And as ber yor answers....see its not that we cannot file the return but the officials here told me that they are not accepting the reurns. We also argued but say say no. I dont know about other cities.


They are also correct on thier part as Delhi has become a lagre industrial city and population is here over a crore and if everyone starts filing return who dont have a good income, no deductions, it worthless to assess such return and wastes tym as well !!

Mohammad Asif (chartered accountant) (191 Points)
Replied 01 March 2011

its not cumpolsary for her to file return of income however is gti exceeeds basic exemption limit it is cumpolsary to file itr return whether total income is less or more then exemption limit

Mohammad Asif (chartered accountant) (191 Points)
Replied 01 March 2011

its not compulsory for her to file return of income however if gti exceeeds basic exemption limit it is compulsory to file itr return whether total income is less or more than exemption limit



U S Sharma ( (21063 Points)
Replied 02 March 2011

Originally posted by : APOORV SAXENA

Guyss....i dont know about any circular as i havent seen was told by many IT officials and clerks.


And as ber yor answers....see its not that we cannot file the return but the officials here told me that they are not accepting the reurns. We also argued but say say no. I dont know about other cities.


They are also correct on thier part as Delhi has become a lagre industrial city and population is here over a crore and if everyone starts filing return who dont have a good income, no deductions, it worthless to assess such return and wastes tym as well !!

no office can deny to accept the return, 


in general practice the NIL return means all colums blank and mere signature, but in incometax NIL return means data submission below the exemption limit. it may have capital gains, exempted income and gifts received, which is not taxable but incometax return is mandatory. 


if anybody goes to department with all colums filled as NIL then the ITO reply is obviously appreciated, coz if income is ZERO then no return, but if there is some income but not taxable then they can submit return.

CA. Abhishek K. Pandey (Manager (Advance)) (901 Points)
Replied 02 March 2011

See in simple words.

Its not compulsory for her, but she CAN return if she want.

Fellows saying that it can't be filed, may please note that a 'NIL' return can be filed. If AO is not accepting, then its actually a local problem and doesn't apply to all, but to only that location.

General rule is that a 'NIL' return can be filed. You can opt for e-filing in such a case although.

@ sachin: when the circular come? I haven't read or heard about it and seems like many other hasn't as well. I have filed nil returns for the present A.Y.

APOORV SAXENA (Chartered Accountant) (794 Points)
Replied 02 March 2011

Originally posted by : Abhishek K. Pandey

See in simple words.

Its not compulsory for her, but she CAN return if she want.

Fellows saying that it can't be filed, may please note that a 'NIL' return can be filed. If AO is not accepting, then its actually a local problem and doesn't apply to all, but to only that location.

General rule is that a 'NIL' return can be filed. You can opt for e-filing in such a case although.

@ sachin: when the circular come? I haven't read or heard about it and seems like many other hasn't as well. I have filed nil returns for the present A.Y.

@*CS Siddharth Bumb. * (B.Com, CA Final, CS ) (5270 Points)
Replied 02 March 2011

there is no need to file return but you can file return and AO cant deny for accepting the return...

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