INDECENT EXPOSURE: Avoid it .......................very harmful.......
Indecent exposure is the deliberate exposure by a person of a portion of his or her own body that is likely to be seen as vulgar, offensive, and contrary to accepted standards of decency.
As it relates to your personal and professional performance, indecent exposure consists of anything that pollutes your mind, body or soul, such as the following:
. Excuses
. Junk food
. Self-Pity
. Violence
. Lack of Integrity
. Inconsistency
. Apathy
. Lying
. Sarcasm
. Gossip
. Procrastination
. Anger
. Jealousy
. Mediocrity
. Fear
. Worry
. Prejudice
. Vulgar language or behavior
Far too many people are over-exposed to these behavioral indecencies which negatively impacts their results..............
with regards,