In need of Urgent Advice

Saurabh (13 Points)

10 May 2007  
hey guys ,
          I cleared my C.A PEII in May 2004 and after that attended the classes for C.A Final Costing,MAFA and Account during Jan-May 2005.Since then......almost 1 and half years.....ive been out of touch with C.A studies(completely)....havent even touched a C.A book since May-2005(due to some unforseen circumstances).........finally things are clearing up for hoping to appear in May2007 for both question is.....can i study for both groups of C.A final in almost 4 months that's's not a impossible task as it has been done before many times......but i just want to should i approach towards this attempt with the goal of clearing it.....what should be my ready to study for 16 hours a day....i already have lost a lot of time as im already 24 years of age.....i feel like i should have started earning by this age.....and even though i didnt actually appear for these last few attempts.......they will still be counted as official attempts just looking for some constructive advice......
take care!