Improving the Policy of Transfer of Articles - President Message

Dhiren Chheda (Service) (62 Points)

29 March 2010  
Improving the Policy of Transfer of Articles
Practical training is the cornerstone of the CA profession. Our profession’s whole future depends on the efficacy of the system of practical training, which is a very important part of the CA Course. The articled assistants need be made to realise this fact in right earnest for the sake of continuous high standards of the profession. As such, we have been urging the members to impress upon the articled assistants not to take transfers lightly and definitely not to take multiple or unnecessary transfers. On its part, the Council too had recently put certain restrictions on the transfers with the prime objective of making students take their training more seriously. However, it is being felt that these restrictions are causing un-intended hardships for the students. Keeping this in view, we may review some of these restrictions in the best interest of the students and profession but without compromising on the utmost relevance and need of the practical training.
Optimum Utilisation of Secondment Scheme
For articled assistants, the practical training is the stepping stone to ultimate professional success. This training not only facilitates an insight into the real life world for the articled assistants but also provides them an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practical life. Now, with the changed economic scenario and ongoing fast-paced changes in the areas of professional interest, it is high time that our articled assistants got exposure in as many such areas as possible. This is the time that we should encourage our articled assistants to help them reap full benefits of Secondment scheme as per Regulation to increase their versatality. We are sure this will help our articled assistants grow into all-round multi-dimensional professionals.