- In the 1490’s the Royal Committee of spain claimed that a voyage to Asia was impossible because the pacific ocean was Unnavigable. The Committee also said that so many centuries after creation it was unlikely that everyone could find any new lands that were hitherto Unknown. A year later Christoper Columbus conquered western Seas and made history.
- In 1825,London’s Quaterly review authoritatively stated that it is palpably absurd to think of any locomotive that could travel twice as fast as stage coach .Almost immediately thereafter, R.L Stevenson revolutionized the concept of travel with the discovery of steam engine
- In 1903,The New York times commented that scientists should not waste their time and money in airship experiments.-since flying is an impossible act for mankind .A week later, the Wright Brothers made their First Successful Flight at Kitty Hawk, USA!
- Micheal Jordan’s team coach told him that he wasn’t good enough to pay high school basket ball .History records that Jordan became the greatest player at all times.