Importance of study Plan for CA exam


09 April 2011  



Dear Friends and members,

This is my humble effort to portray what is the importance of daily study plan and how it will help you to clear your CA exam.


I hope for most students, the most difficult part of any exam is actual studies. If you see the volume of book (ICAI audit module for CA Final), automatically will start procrastinate until the night before exam or few day before exam.



After the late night cram session, students arrived at exam tired, and feeling dazed by sheer amount of information they have tried to absorb. This may cause a poor performance during your exam. The easiest way to avoid a cram session, to frame a study plan.


Remembers, each second of these days have an opportunity cost. So, utilised the days before exam effectively. Better keep away IPL cricket matches, Movies, unwanted relationships. All are attention diversion. Take your SIM out of your mobile phone, revolve it thrice around your head and throw it away since it a major distraction to study. These may dilute your study process. Let us come in to detail about a good study plan before exam.

Group studies V/S Solo performance


The first step towards study plan is whether you will carry your studies with Group or Single. The important factors to be taken in to account such as study timing and the actual requirement of group.

Merit of Group

Group have a leader always who will lead the group by taking initiative to solve the problem and helping the weaker segment. Some group may be peer to peer. The one of the rare advantage of group is incorporation of ideas of various people. This is called Brain storming. If you do the things in single you may be bored, diverted from the study process, boring which leads to entertainment.

Solo preparation

If a group of students are not available you can carry  out the study process on your own.

 Time Factor


There are two time factor which should be taken in to consider in order framing a good study plan. First is the days left before exam (Count down time) and second is how much time you can devote towards your daily study routine.

No one can advise about the daily hours of studies. This is in turn depends upon the days before exam and potential daily hours to accomplish your goals.


Better Frame a clearly marked daily study time each day (say 8 hours for 21 days).




Here you require organising ICAI material, any one good reference book, RTP, Suggested answers and scanners, Practise manuals, recent amendments and changes applicable for the exam. These are called the content. From this content, you have to classify most relevant and relevant to the exam. Break the contents in to small small chunk and this chunk in to your daily routine studies.

Give more attention to important and difficult chunk first and easy chunk to later point of time. If there are any difficulties with this area, then, you have to reassign the schedule. This means your schedule will be flexi schedule.

Study process

This is the last stage, actual execution of studies. While carrying out study, make a keep notes on either your lecture notes or a note book for making notes. Use highlighter to high light the point. This will surely help the day before exam.

Study plan are unique to the person who are making them.

Wish you all the best


CA Vivek M


 castudenthelpdesk @