Import electronic item from china

Buli Borah (Owner) (29 Points)

21 May 2012  

Dear Sirs,

I am going to import some electronic items from China to sell directly to the end customer in Assam. The ITC HS Code of the item is 85311010. In percentage, total how much I have to pay to customs and excise ? Do I have to apply for the IEC number ? In the Hand Book of Procedures (Vol. I) as per Para 2.8 (iv) Persons importing / exporting goods from / to Nepal, Myanmar through Indo-Myanmar border areas and China (through Gunji, Namgaya, Shipkila and Nathula ports), provided CIF value of a single consignment does not exceed Indian Rs.25,000. In case of Nathula port, the applicable value ceiling will be Rs.100,000. The china company will use Express Courier like DHL or UPS for sending the goods. And I am not sure that the consignment will come through the Gunji, Namgaya, Shipkila and Nathula ports as said in the para 2.8 (iv). What is the difference between having or not having the IEC number ? Where and how I have to pay the Custom duty if the consignment comes through DHL or UPS ?

Thanks in advance.


Buli Borah

Jorhat, Assam