while my journey at CA Club India i noticed one thing that the number of views of a paricular topic in forum a much higher than the aggregate of number of replies and no. of THANKS..........
Most of us (even me also) use to click a particular topic use the info or the content being posted and close it and only few of us do a reply by writing THAKS or NICE JOB DUDE or USEFUL INFO THANKS FOR SHARING and so on but only a very small fraction of us click on "THANK USER" ................
I personally feel that most of us don't use the limited number of THANKS that has been provided to each member on a daily basis ............
Using the THANKS power at the forums/aricles/....... gives a motivation for the experts who spent there valuable time in providing the info. Do we ever think why are they doing so ???? The answer is not to EARN POINTS but to help their colleagues and juniors.
I don't think that majority of the members have ever seen this message at CA Club India "Your gesture has not been conveyed as you have exceeded the limit of number of thanks allowed in a day."
So please use the THANKS power as it acts as a motivating factor who spend their time. Its just an appeal and not compulsion......rest depeds on u all.....