If you are Lefty


If you're left-handed, your personality traits may include resiliency & independence.

Here are a few fascinating facts about left-handed people, lefties, or Southpaws.

The personality traits of lefties are often confused with certain myths about left-handed people.

For instance, people once believed that lefties or Southpaws were more likely to be dyslexic, schizophrenic, and stutterers.

Some doctors believed that left-handed people are more likely to struggle with breast cancer, allergies, and asthma.

Those myths about left-handed people were debunked by Dr Michael Peters of the University of Guelph in 2006.

However, some personality traits of left-handed people seem to hold true.

First, Some Left-Handed Statistics About 10% of the world’s population is left-handed. There is a genetic component that determines right versus left-hand dominance, and it’s called the LRRTM1 gene. People with this gene are more likely to be lefties.

The speech centers of right-handers and most left-handers are in the left brain.

The left brain focuses on syntax and order, while the right brain monitors context and emotions. Some of us are “mixed-handed” people, which means both hands are used equally.

Psychological Characteristics of Left-handed People • Leadership. About 66% of American presidents in the last 30 years were left-handed men.

Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Fold were all left-handed presidents. Barack Obama and John McCain are both left-handed. • Quick thinkers. Studies have shown that lefties are “exceptional.” Australian research shows that left-handed people think more quickly when playing computer games or sports. Left-handed people also tend to earn more money. • Sexuality. Research from Canada reveals this interesting quality of left-handed people: they’re more likely to be homos*xual. Mixed-handed people are more likely to alter their beliefs as they get new information, making them better able to see both sides of the story. Personality Traits of Lefties • Independence: Some experts believe left-handed people are more independent because they’ve had to get along in a world that’s not made for them. Dr Peters says that lefties are “slightly more resistant to social pressures, to have more of an independent streak.” • Adaptability: Canadian research shows that left-handed people are more adaptable than right-handed people. That is, a lefty can use her right hand to do tasks much easier than a righty can use his hand. Left-handed people seem to be able to switch over more easily.