did any one went to submit the icwai postals recently,if yes please tell me whether bahut bheed hai kya submit karna ka liya aur lambi line laga kar postals submit karna pad raha hai ya khali hai
blind rizvi (Article) (94 Points)
06 February 2011did any one went to submit the icwai postals recently,if yes please tell me whether bahut bheed hai kya submit karna ka liya aur lambi line laga kar postals submit karna pad raha hai ya khali hai
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(672 Points)
Replied 06 February 2011
Which place you are talking about? You can prefer sending it via courier/ speed post, it will save time..
blind rizvi
(94 Points)
Replied 06 February 2011
friend I like in kolkata so please help me out by answering my above question.
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