How do I prepare for Paper 11 and Paper 12 under the new Syllabus for ICWA? Any idea about the pattern of the question paper?
Sushmita Saha (Accounts Coordinator) (66 Points)
18 May 2013How do I prepare for Paper 11 and Paper 12 under the new Syllabus for ICWA? Any idea about the pattern of the question paper?
Ankit Gupta
(1557 Points)
Replied 18 May 2013
Paper 11- Indirect Taxation. I think that would be the same as the old one and you can prepare well from past questions and revisionary papers.
Paper-12 - Company Acounts and Audit.
Just solve the study material questions to get overall look of the sylabbus, as this is now seggregated into a new subjet now, which was altogether was a topic in old course.
Wherein if we look on the marks distributed on the topic wise Auditing is now of only 40 marks whereas company accounts will now be asked upto 60 marks (20 marks GAAP+40 Marks on Joint stock cmpanies).
I would recmmend do study material thoroughly in initial stages then Purchase a referene book if you really need.
And as far as questions variety is concerned you an still use the past exam type questions for certain partiular chapters also.
Sushmita Saha
(Accounts Coordinator)
(66 Points)
Replied 18 May 2013
Thanks for reply. I will definitely try and follow your guidelines. :)