I did my CWA Inter Dec2011 exam well, but the result is not successful and unexpectedly low.
Will it be work if I go for re-valuation/re-check of answer scriptt?
Please suggest the procedure and probablity rate of possitive result.
Veera (Officer) (31 Points)
20 February 2012I did my CWA Inter Dec2011 exam well, but the result is not successful and unexpectedly low.
Will it be work if I go for re-valuation/re-check of answer scriptt?
Please suggest the procedure and probablity rate of possitive result.
CMA Ramesh Krishnan
(Cost & Management Accountant)
(71604 Points)
Replied 20 February 2012
There is no revaluation process., there is verification of marks can be done. but proability based on your current marks status. in case marks are very low. better not go.otherwise you can opt for verification of marks
(Senior Auditor)
(22 Points)
Replied 22 August 2012
please provide procedure revification of icwai result
Balakrishnan S
(Audit Assistant)
(22 Points)
Replied 24 August 2012
i am balakrishnan from chennai. i am doing CWA inter, what is procedure for re-totalling in cwa. pl kindly send reply to my mail sbkca82 @ yahoo.in