can somebody plz tell me :
is it necessary to undergo training of 3 1/2 years after doing articleship of CA???
and the procedure for enrolling in ICWA
saba fatma (Articleship) (139 Points)
29 January 2011can somebody plz tell me :
is it necessary to undergo training of 3 1/2 years after doing articleship of CA???
and the procedure for enrolling in ICWA
Manmohan ACA, CS
(Chartered Accountant )
(14243 Points)
Replied 29 January 2011
3. I registered with Institute on or after 1st January 2008 but before registration for ICWAI course, I was undergoing Articleship training with Chartered Accountant or Firm of Chartered Accountants. Whether, articled training period with Chartered Accountant or Firm of Chartered Accountants will be recognized for the purpose of practical training period?
No, articleship training under Chartered Accountant(s) or Firm of Chartered Accountants is not allowed, whether taken before admission or during ICWAI course.
CA.CWA.Venkatesh Repala
(1231 Points)
Replied 29 January 2011
To say simply,
It is not required to undergo articleship in icwai for the persons whom were not interested to go for practice.
=> articleship is required only if any body requires to keep practice as cost accountant.
CA Ravi Sisodia
(32226 Points)
Replied 29 January 2011
the procedure for enrolling in ICWA -