Icsi more student friendly than icai

Go green (ICAI) (666 Points)

02 December 2011  

I am a Chartered Accountancy student. From my point of view, ICSI understands the problems of students and takes relevant initiatives which is not the case with ICAI. Following are some of the examples:


(i) The minimum stipend to be paid by the Company Secretary in Practice has been increased from Rs. 500/- to Rs. 2000/- per month by ICSI. But ICAI made an announcement nearly a year back that minimum stipend to be paid to Chartered Accountancy Articles is proposed to be increased. But  still they say that the central government approval is pending for implementing it.


(ii) In the case of CS training programme, a student can take transfer of training in between the training period for any number of times. But in CA Articleship, a student can take transfer of training freely only during the first year. I don't quite understand what is the problem of ICAI if a student  takes transfer.


Please give your views in this regard.