ICICI is going to merge with Bank of Rajasthan.
Each Branch Cost is approx 6.3 crore
Nitin Grover (CS) (1228 Points)
21 May 2010ICICI is going to merge with Bank of Rajasthan.
Each Branch Cost is approx 6.3 crore
Jagruti (CS)
(1953 Points)
Replied 22 May 2010
Hi, if I am not wrong Bank of Rajasthan is going to merge with ICICI Bank.
However as per ur comment it seems invert
Nitin Grover
(1228 Points)
Replied 22 May 2010
Dear Jagruti
Yes u r right
ICICI is purchasing and paying 06.03 crore for per branch
CA Ayush Agarwal
(27196 Points)
Replied 25 May 2010
and It Total Cost for ICICI Bank is Near About 3000 Crores to Acquiring BOR.
Nitin Grover
(1228 Points)
Replied 25 May 2010
thanks friends
and every share holder of BOR will get 1 share of ICICI against of 18 shares of BOR na
pls correct me if i m wrong and whats the swap Ratio.
CA Mallika Chaudhary
(CWA Final and CA)
(418 Points)
Replied 07 June 2010
@ Nitin
The swap ratio is 1 : 4.72 ( or 25:118 )
CA Mallika Chaudhary
(CWA Final and CA)
(418 Points)
Replied 07 June 2010
Also, the proposal would now be taken up in an extra ordinary general meeting of the BoR on 21 June ...