i want to know the List of Directors in a particular Pvt Ltd company, i am having only company's name so how could i find thiz please help
I want to know directors name of a pvt ltd company
Dharmesh Kumar (Accountant) (64 Points)
18 January 2011Dharmesh Kumar (Accountant) (64 Points)
18 January 2011i want to know the List of Directors in a particular Pvt Ltd company, i am having only company's name so how could i find thiz please help
CA Keyur Shah
(Finance Manager)
(403 Points)
Replied 18 January 2011
Go to the following link.
and type company name and get cin no of the company then submit.
You will get the signatory details of the company.
Paresh Rathod
(222 Points)
Replied 18 January 2011
Link is.....
just type company name & enter search
u will get the new window / Tab just select company u will get the CIN no. in the previous window / Tab & submit it...
u will get signatory details...
(24 Points)
Replied 22 March 2012
I want to know the list of director in a particular company for the period 1997, 1998,1999 . Can I get through this site or
it can be taken from ROC under RTI act ?
KRS Khati
(Company Secretary)
(1352 Points)
Replied 22 March 2012
You cannot get list of directors for specific period, you can get who are the present directors in view signatory details from MCA Website,you can go for physical inspection in ROC and online inspections on MCA Site to get the list of directors for the period 1997,1998, 1999.
CS Vijay Daxini
(At Practice)
(732 Points)
Replied 23 March 2012
open the mca website on homepage under service menu click on company masterdata and index of charges,,den click on view signatory details,,enter the name of company den click on search button u will get the CIN no..enter that CIN no.. u will know who r the present directors of company as well as whose digital signature is registered for signing the e-forms.......
Monika Malik
(1 Points)
Replied 26 February 2016
My name is Monika Malik & i want to contact to those CA deal in Actuarial Work Like Gratuity , Earned Leave Sick Leave , Payroll ect ect...
Ram Kumar
(188 Points)
Replied 26 February 2016
Dear KRS Khati,
There is a way to find out the past directors of the company, Pay 100/- for inspection of the documets,dowload the all the form and collate the all the data regarding the directors,
i think it will suffice your requirement.
uzzair khan
(21 Points)
Replied 28 July 2016
Dear Mr Ram Kumar, can you please elaborate the procedure to find the past directors of a company. Like where to pay the fees of Rs 100 ? Is it online ? What are the forms to be filled ? where can I get them ? If you could please send me the details on my mail uzzair.khan5 @ gmail.com I would really appriciate it.
Thanks & kind regards.
(PRACTICING CS Jalandhar 9914558709)
(5155 Points)
Replied 30 July 2016
Need to have login at MCA Site for downloading all the data and e forms from the company's record.
Better is to take Professional Help for getting the data extracetd from MCA site instead of wasting time and energy yourself on such work.