Dear Pankaj,
Only an Associate Member of ICAI(ACA) can become an FCA which means you should first complete your CA.
As per the regulations laid down by the Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India an associate member is eligible for admission as a fellow member if he satisfies the eligibility conditions laid down under Section 5(3) of the Chartered Accountants Act 1949 and Regulation 5(3)1988 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations.
To know about the eligibility criteria visit the provided link address. T M L%3Fpost_id%3D9663&ved=2ahUKEwigs_jQyoTjAhXNXisKHRPJAGAQFjALegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw1EPMYDIHBtWTwS_NnQw4oM&cshid=1561464678069