Dear sir/Madam,
How to fill Trans-1 now a days. i now try to gst website trans-1 column disable how fill tran-1
29 September 2018Dear sir/Madam,
How to fill Trans-1 now a days. i now try to gst website trans-1 column disable how fill tran-1
CA Naveen Chand
(Chartered Accountant)
(12739 Points)
Replied 29 September 2018
it is not available as now
Vinod Babu
(24196 Points)
Replied 30 September 2018
Pankaj Rawat
(GST Practitioner)
(55052 Points)
Replied 30 September 2018
Pankaj Rawat
(GST Practitioner)
(55052 Points)
Replied 30 September 2018
(79 Points)
Replied 01 October 2018