I have something to say

CA Radhika Pai (Chartered Accountant) (776 Points)

15 January 2011  

Hi Friends !

  The idea behind this title is to suggest that we should think not only of ourselves but also of others. In school days, whenever someone asks us " What's your ambition in life ? " we tend to give answers like ' I want to become doctor, engineer, lawyer ......" or any other profession for that matter. Then, with the aim of acieving our goal, we start working towards it very hard, keeping all our emotions aside.

  But, in that case, we treat our own classmates, our own friends as our competitors. Some people have a feeling that "If I have not got a particular thing then, no one should get it." If a particular student gets good marks then, his/her parents feel good for their child. But, if, a student fails then, his/her parents feel worried for their child. I want to say that suppose if our friend gets success in career then we should think that he/ she has made his/her parents  proud and happy instead of getting jealous of them. We should congratulate them and try our luck next time. This is important in case of professional exams.

 Also, I want to mention one thing that we should help each other as we don't know when and how we need any kind of help at the time of any difficulty. We should not only think of one person but about the family members attached to that person.Each person is a child and parents want their child to get success. This attitude however will help you to go ahead in our life.


