I got my answersheet

Aashish2310 (Aashish) (133 Points)

14 December 2011  

Breaking news for CA STUDENTS:

I have got answer sheets from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for May 11 attempt....i m really surprised...speechless....

observation -

- Marks have been allocated miserably.

- After comparing with suggested answers you can draw a conclusion that EXAMINER HAS NO UNDERSTING ABOUT THE SUBJECT.

-In some questions i can say, he has not read my answers at all.

- I have cross verified with institutes module and suggested answers, but you wont believe, i have got ZERO marks in 100% correct answers.

- without any strong reason he delivered ZERO marks for some answers, and in some cases only 1 mark out of 8 in subject ISCA. IF U READ MY ANSWERS U FEEL SUPRISED ABOUT INSTITUTE's PRACTICE.

- Marks are really manipulated.

If u have any query shoot me an email on kalamkar.aashish @ gmail.com

I will upload my copies along with suggested answers given by ICAI by 16 dec 2011.