I don't believe (please respond)

Ravi Kumar. Narayana (student) (48 Points)

19 January 2012  


In yestarday results, i got AMA -52

ISCA -61

DT -26

IDT - 56



Iam unable to digest & i don't believe tat i failed in DT, ofcourse i may not wrote tat much excellent but i also didn't wrote tat much worst.

wat r the options available to me other than recounting bcoz they will not revalue in that.

After getting certified copy, if i doen't satisfy with valuation, how can i go for legally....


please respond, this is the problem of so many, can't we do anything other than recounting !

There are some presumptions in students like - first some pages of answer sheet will have effect on our marks, ofcourse i too believe, if really tat first pages r not good wat abt next pages - i heard tat an answer sheet will be valued in just seconds