I would say that if a person honestly takes article ship, he will definitely will think about work while studies because the stress caused by articleship is quiet phenomenal and it is very cruel. I have a way to keep mind focused and be able to concentrate and give your mind tremendous energy. Your mind can store more data, get less scared and remain calm and alert. – This can be achieved by HYPNOSIS. Follow these steps and you will find the impact instantly
- Sit in padmasana and close your eyes. Keep your hands in Gyan mudra
- Take few deep breaths. And when exhaling, focus your mind on exhaling. Do exhale slowly
- Imagine yourself on top of small set of stairs. Also imagine that there is soft bed with soft pillow at the bottom of stairs
- U count numbers backwards from 50 to 1
- With each an every number just imagine yourself getting down the stairs – By bringing left foot first and the right one next.
- When you are counting 1 you will be in last step
- Then count 0. At this stage, you imagine yourself falling on the bed and relaxing each an every part of body
- Later open your eyes slowly.
At this stage, your mind will be on alpha state – which is beyond the scope of discussion. All I can say is alpha state of mind is most powerful state of mind.
Try this and give feed back..