Humble request to those who reply for posts

CA Ganesh Karthik (Chartered Accountant) (368 Points)

17 December 2011  

Dear All,

This is a humble request to every person relpying to someone's questions or commenting on an issue.

Please please please, post a reply only if you are sure about it. Comment on something only if you realise what you are commenting. This is a problem faced by many (including me at times) which i wish to share with all.

When someone asks a question in CCI, they are in genuine need of the replies. Especially when they post it as urgent, its a very serious issue according to them. 

Few problems which i have come accross:

  • I have come across posts where people have replied things which are absolutely irrelevant to the topic raised. This will only lead to more confusion to the person posting the topic. Not replying is absolutely fine. But when you are replying, please ensure that your reply is an answer and not a question again.


  • When I raise a question about a particular notification or a circular, please dont send me the notification or the circular itself again. Even I would've read the notification before you have sent it. I only get irritated looking at it again. The reason I would've posted the question would've been because i did not understand the notification or I have a specific doubt in that!


  • Please dont argue on a point. Giving multiple opinions by different people is ok but arguing on that leads me to more confusion! There are options in CCI to send private messages. You can always settle your issues there.

These are only a few issues which I wanted to share with everyone, regarding which I face problems looking for answers at times. There may be lot more similar issues. Please avoid them to the extent possible. CCI is a professional place for sharing things. Let it remain professional. A humble request!