HRA related query

nishit (Information Technology Specialist)   (28 Points)

08 March 2010  

I live in ahmedabad. I have bought flat in 2006-07 and since then i was taking benefit of housing loan principal and intrest payment in my tax returns upto 2008-09. Please note that the house and loan taken on joint name i.e. first my name and second my mother's name. Now in 2009-10, i have decided to move to another rented flat in same city with my spouse and my mother continued to live in the flat which we bought in 2006-07. Hence, i have asked for HRA exemption in 2009-10 but my employer being reluctant to grant that by giving me argument that it is technically not correct. Is this really true ? It is not possible that i should be granted HRA exemption for 2009-10 evenif my mother would take benefit of housing loan principal and intrest payment in her tax return for 2009-10 and not me.