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How young and talented ca are being exploited by sme and ca?

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Chirag Shah (Audit Assistant) (22 Points)
Replied 15 September 2013

My view, if any one decided not to select or pay ur expected salary, they will ask any type of qurstions to show you know nothing..... because we are the person who are not respecting our profession like doctor, engineers, advocates,MBAs, etc. As all person know that in few cases they have to refer books at the time of reporting, consilting, etc.

Ashwin R.P. chauhan (Consultant) (30 Points)
Replied 15 September 2013

Improve yourself and start practice.

Niraj Gangwal (Analyst) (21 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

Yes even I agree.. First of all you should be happy that because of CA degree you are getting a JOB that too with salary of 2.25 Lacs. CA Freshers just think that they got a degree means they know everything. Come to reality... You are a fresher. We had to throw out three fresh CA because they dont know the work and also have attitude of knowing everything.

Lokesh (CS professional) (493 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

Dear Vikas and all other respected members,

It is the hard fact and we should also understand this that today everything does't depend on your qualification even if you hold three or four degrees.The only thing that is respected is your experience i.e EXPERIENCE MATTERS.

we people from various professions specially CA,CS & CMA think that after passing our exams we have won a battle but excatly it is not so. Those who are sitting in the Interview panels OR HR deptt. are very experts whose have been employed by the company only to save the cost of the company.

So my dear Vikas it is not the time to complain the ICAI or any other, just get into what you are getting and achieve experience. Keep on acquirng the knowledge and definitely there will arise a day when you will get the Job according to your profile. 

Fahad Haroon Memon (Administration Manager )   (84 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

There is a lot of competition. So every CA has to prove himself even after getting a CA degree. And you should have been able to answer the questions asked as they were related to CA final portion. It is no use having a degree without knowledge unlike previous times when degree was more important. Today, employers want degree and knowledge both...

vivek jain (kl) (264 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

ca degree has lost its charm said one of the interviewer

N K TIWARI (Accounts) (47 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

I do agree majority of opinions. Please don't expect more, please enhance your practical knowledge more. That is the reason article ship period is very important and every body should take it seriously.  Sometimes, CA firms take advantage of situation and do not involve articles in different areas and they remains in certain specific areas like, internal auditing, statutory auditing hardly they get book keeping. It is the book which is very important for CAs foundation. If you know book keeping properly, all the important issues generally addressed and one gets experience. But, i am seeing that CAs don't like to do book keeping, they only focus on verification, making report, auditing, financial analysis etc. leading far away from ground realties.

Lakshmy Varma (NA) (25 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

What Vikas feels is true... He feels like that coz we are told like that by our society that CA is a profession in which we get huge salary the moment we are qualified. I am yet to clear my first grp in Final... Soon after my Intermediate I started with Rs.8000 as salary in 2006. Now I earn fairly enogh with experience... I think even after completing CA we have to get experience to reach a higher level of salary... Higher expectations are always good but when it doesn't become a reality, we should get disheartened... A day will come when the industry will come after you !!!

CA Konfused (Chartered Accountant & CFA Level 1)   (302 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

Seriously it seems like a catch 22 situation one is not able to understand where the problem is .......whether in the students or in ICAI.......the problem is in both........some students jus study for the sake of passin exams without any passion for studies .........but still ICAI is responsible for passin such ppl......ICAI shld pass only deserving ppl.........n....then ensure that they r fit for JOBS........a serious change is recquired in curriculum.........at CA Final Level options shld be given for specialization.......i.e...so tht one is prepared for a particular Job profile in a better way.

Rajesh (Auditor) (30 Points)
Replied 16 September 2013

By becoming a CA you have achieved a toughest degree in India and even after that if some one says that you have to work at such a paltry salary u should have guts to refuse it otherwise what is the use of putting on such hardwork , dont degrade the professsion stand up to such people and say what ever u like . these people dont know the value of this degree

CA Konfused (Chartered Accountant & CFA Level 1)   (302 Points)
Replied 17 September 2013

My dear Friend even carryin a 100 Kg Bag on ur shoulders is difficult tht does not mean that if u can carry tht bag ur a genius..........u shld Know the knowledge & acquire the skills which is relevant rather than carryin unnnessary baggage.......n please for god's sake don't think u hve achieved sumthin grt by becomin a CA.......half the course is not relevant yet we have to study it..........

chandra sekar (Manager-Accounts) (387 Points)
Replied 20 September 2013

Really it is quiet shock that, having completed CA, yu are not updated on Taxation. In that case, an employer will treat you like a passenger with an open ticket and boarded a reservation coach and was treated as a passenger w/o ticket. Also your profession required lot of practical skills than acadamic skills, which i observed in my exprience in the past. Also for your info most of CA`a concentrate only in IT related cases and give step mother treatment to other taxes like VAT, CST, ED, Customs duty etc.

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