CA Vipul Bhandari
(66 Points)
Replied 08 November 2013
suvendra parida
(article assistant)
(45 Points)
Replied 08 November 2013
Don't worry it will be fair . All the very best for next paper
(CA Final)
(50 Points)
Replied 08 November 2013
(senior associate)
(21 Points)
Replied 08 November 2013
vishal shah
(Asst. Accounts Manager)
(38 Points)
Replied 08 November 2013
(✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )
(21627 Points)
Replied 08 November 2013
@ Rashmi ..
You are the only one who told this paper easy.
@ Himanshu ..
really a nice peace of advise ..mst be prepared for hard time
CA Nagendra
(1788 Points)
Replied 09 November 2013
Analysis of CA Final SFM Paper (Nov-2013)
- There must be printing error in two questions. Q-1(c) and Q-6(a) otherwise question does not make any sense. But it is very difficult to students to find it. In my opinion if any one attempted these questions, they will definitely get mark.
- ICAI asked same question in different way. After June-2009, Institute first time tested conceptual knowledge instead of repetitive past exam and RTP questions. Even most of the questions were from past examination question and RTP, institute made it different by inserting some conceptual information.
For question wise detailed analysis. Click below: