How was the MAFA/SFM PAper Today ????
Amit Maheshwari (Manager Accounts) (347 Points)
10 November 2010Amit Maheshwari (Manager Accounts) (347 Points)
10 November 2010
anita jain
(56 Points)
Replied 10 November 2010
hi....accounts paper(old)was quite easy when compared to MAFA. It was bit tricky and confusing.
CA Dipti Pawar
(105 Points)
Replied 10 November 2010
MAFA paper was not good of old course...Accounts old course was better
Amit Maheshwari
(Manager Accounts)
(347 Points)
Replied 10 November 2010
I heard that New course SFM was much easier
Amit Maheshwari
(Manager Accounts)
(347 Points)
Replied 10 November 2010