How to Wake Up Late and Still Make It on Time

Sundar (Sr. Advisor to Chairman; Ex-Manager- PwC)   (330 Points)

04 December 2009  

Everyone has somewhere to be at a certain time. And eventually, you will wake up late. Read on to learn some important tips for making it on time!


  1. Don't be an optimist. The key here is to not underestimate how long certain tasks will take you. They usually take longer than you perceive.
  2. Take a quick, cold shower. The cold water will encourage you to rush. If at all possible, skip washing your hair. Point the shower head down so it points to your chest. Work up a quick lather and rinse. The only places that actually need soap are your underarms and crotch area. This should take you no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Get dressed as quickly as possible. Don't waste time rummaging. Just pick a plain outfit, straighten up for a few seconds in the mirror, and move onto the next step. This should take no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Briefly tend to your hair. Take the simplest route you can. If you have long hair, brush it up into a ponytail (especially since you didn't wash it). Try to spend no more than 3 minutes on this. On your way out of the bathroom, grab your toothbrush and toothpaste to take with you. You can brush your teeth after you get to wherever you need to go.

    • Grab your makeup, too. If showing up fresh-faced is unacceptable, however, stick to the very basics: powder and mascara. Everything else can go in the same bag as your toothbrush.
    • Apply your deodorant quickly, or throw it in the bag as well.
  5. Drink a glass of water or milk (anything that doesn't require preparation) and grab something you can munch on while walking around. A granola or energy bar is ideal, but in a pinch, a few cookies will do. At this point, it's better to put a little bit of something not-so-healthy in your stomach than not to eat anything at all. Plus, eating will help get rid of morning breath until you can brush. Of all these choices, an apple will wake you up, clean your teeth, freshen your breath, and give you much-needed fruit sugar to get your motor running, until you can grab something more substantial.
  6. Grab the stuff you need. This usually includes keys, wallet, phone, and may also include books, a briefcase, a laptop, etc. Then go!


  • Wear a sweater or fleece over a wrinkled shirt. The only thing that will show is the collar anyway.
  • No matter how late you are, make sure to check yourself in the mirror to make sure you look semi-presentable.
  • If you are really late, consider calling in sick. Or just admit the truth; call to say that you overslept and take your time getting in.
  • If you really want to sleep in, organize your clothes, bag (or whatever), and your morning tools (comb, shampoo, etc.) before you go to sleep.



  • Don't try to become a Nascar driver on the freeway in an attempt to make it to the office on time. Over a ten mile journey the difference between driving at 50 miles per hour and 70 miles per hour is about three and a half minutes. It isn't worth the vastly increased risk of a long delay by being stopped by police, causing an accident, or being a self-absorbed menace on the road.
  • Don't come in with a bad attitude because you were late. It's not their fault that you didn't hear the alarm.
  • Don't shave or apply makeup in the car.
  • ALWAYS make sure to have everything you need where you know where it is, if you forget something important you can end up going back home and being late.

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