Now the status of tax payments through challans can be verified through SMS. This facility has been launched by NSDL. The procedure of verifying the tax through SMS is as under
if the tax payer input “CSI 0510001,11032009,5,5000” where in
“0510001” is the BSR code of the collecting branch,
“11032009” is the Challan tender date,
“5” is the Challan serial number and
“5000 is the amount paid by the taxpayer.
The tax payer will get the information against which TAN/PAN the payment has been accounted with the confirmation whether amount entered is matched or not. (This is an illustrative challan identification number, actual CIN should be provided in the SMS).
How To Verify Tax Payment Status Through SMS?
N.Naveena Maheswara Rao (Assistant manager for accounts) (1096 Points)
05 August 2009