How to upload without gstin no. of rcm invoice at gstr1

sujit naha (accountant) (347 Points)

03 August 2017  

Inrespect of Service from Unregistered , Recipient should issue a Self RCM Invoice and to upload at GSTR1 in  B2B section under Reverse Charge Option so that RCM GST liabilities will be added with Recipient GST Liabilities..... this is the standing procedure which confirmed by GST authority ...

But Problem has occured :  1) Unregistered Supplier has NO GSTIN NUMBER.. But Without GSTIN Number , there is no Provision to upload RCM Invoice at GSTR1 in B2B section under Reverse Charge Option.-------

                                            2) If Recipient Put his Own GSTIN Number then an error massage has appeared like....

" Supplier and Recipient cannot be same GSTIN No "

--------------------- The above procedure is done by Online GSTR1 ---------------------------------

Question: Recipient how to upload Unregistered RCM Invoice Details at GSTR1 or others Sections ????