how to tackle cs preparation pressure

jalpa (Student) (52 Points)

03 April 2010  

Usually Students feel a great pressure towards CS Exams/Preparation, due to huge syllabus quantity.

Here are few tips to handle such pressure:

1) Understand the truth that every CS student takes this pressure;
2) Understand the truth that all qualified CS has also came through this pressure;
3) CS is a professional course, with high repute, so the standards expected from a student is high;
4) Have a systematic way of study;
5) Prepare as much Notes in your own handwriting;
6) Increase your memory by practicing physical exercises, yoga, meditation, taking pure vegetarian food etc.;
7) Attend Oral Coaching Classes with CS Chapters / Regional Offices / Private Tuitions;
8)Use Study Material as a mother board, and use reference books as an add-On;
9) Use Guidelines Answers, Suggested Answers etc.;
10) Have your own way of preparing for exams, dont depend on others;
11) Concentrate more on Sections, Case Laws, Recent Amendments etc;
12) Utilize CS Student Journal, read all subject related articles and case laws;
13) Utilize CS Journal to refer all latest amendments and case laws;
14) If you are not confident in certain areas of syllabus, dont leave it full, rather, please refer to asked questions from Guidelines Answers;
15) Dont leave any areas of syllabus fully; in that ares have at least a selective study;
16) Try to gain as much as conceptual knowledge by referring good books / websites / forums;
17) Read success stories books, read positive articles of corporate gurus / management gurus / corporate CEOs;
18) Always visit nearest chapters, and mingle with fellow students;
19) Interact with your parents and family members; this will reduce your pressure;
20) Always prepare a calendar of study schedule, prepare a neat time table, and follow-up your performance.