How to study more in less time ...


23 August 2011  



How to take advantage of time


Time is one of the most precious resources in the universe, once lost it then never recouped. Start your preparation for exam effectively today itself.



What is our mission??


Effectively utilise your time. Do maximum possible effort within Limited time frame. Think for doing some extra work. Each seconds left with you is so valuable.


Avoid negative thinking.


Never approach your studies in a prejudice manner such as the time is not enough or CA .


Build a self confidence.


If you fail in previous exam or if you are not done your preparation well, your confidence level will be down.


If you re build your self confidence and if you strongly believe that you can pass, then your performance level will be improved a lot.


 Remember, these days are enough for your success. Only thing is your ability to work extra.


Good and effective utilisation of Time.


As already mentioned, the real success is depends upon how you utilise your time for preparation process. Here you have a choice with respect to time, you can waste or Utilise it.


Remember quantity of study is not a criterion for success rather quality of studies is real matter. However, if you can able to do quality study for more time, then, chance of success is more.


In this connection, it is advisable to keep away from all the form of distraction such as Internet, Watching movies, unwanted friendship etc.


Use some of the effective technique such as Time table; a note book for recording your daily targets for studies etc will have better effect.


“Better be late than never”. Now you may be late, but start today, work hard and smart and find some more time for preparation part, No doubt you will also be a successful person for next attempt


Wish you all the best

CA Vivek M