How to Study For Exams

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44679 Points)

11 January 2010  


  1. (Topic). The topics that are really important and that are likely to show up on the test. Take notes - have at least four blank pages ready before each class during the weeks leading up to exams, if you still don't understand something, ask someone, as there is no point trying to figure it out for yourself!! Don't worry about asking your teachers for help - that is what they are there for and most would probably prefer to spend an extra couple of hours going over work you find difficult than have you fail an exam!
  2. 2
    Don't just go through your notes, rewrite them. Rewriting some of your lecture notes, especially the sloppy ones, will bring back some of the old class topics in your mind. You will be able to remember the lectures and discussions surprisingly well. Rewriting your notes is great if you're a kinesthetic learner. Also, when you re-write something it is making you think about what you are writing, what it's about, why you wrote it down and most importantly, it refreshes your brain. If you took notes a month ago and just found out that those notes will be relevant in your exam, rewriting them will remind you
  3. Don't study when you're really tired. It's better to study for two hours in one day than to try and cram in that daily hour at two in the morning. You won't remember much and you're likely to stop before you have studied for your hour, two hours etc.
  4. Don't stress, if you can figure out how you study best. In your PJ's or your favorite t-shirt?, with music or not?, in your room or outside? One thing is for sure though, you won't be able to study while ...
    • Your darling little brother or sister is running screaming around the house.
    • You are going to end up watching 'Pirates of the Caribbean' because they are way too distracting.
  5. Get a massage. Professional, or from a friend. Either will make you feel physically relaxed so you can focus on studying.