dear everyone and all, please ,please tell me i have passed cpt with 141 marks with non aim to get rank in IPCC.suggest how to study and also how to plan for study.Tell me which material is best to get rank
narendra (student) (67 Points)
20 January 2009dear everyone and all, please ,please tell me i have passed cpt with 141 marks with non aim to get rank in IPCC.suggest how to study and also how to plan for study.Tell me which material is best to get rank
(272 Points)
Replied 20 January 2009
First of all just go for both the groups.
Just focus on main subjects like Tax, Accounting, Costing coz lots of people find it very difficult.
go for suggested for the the remaining subjects.
And try to read the BARE ACTS along with Rules for better understanding in ACTS.
(ca final)
(369 Points)
Replied 28 January 2009
tax - manohar.T.N
accounting standards-Rawath
Law - Jayaraman
Information Tech - Superwizz
Stra Mngt - Central Acadmey-Auditing Also
rakesh khandelwal
(258 Points)
Replied 04 February 2009
see for securinteg a rank .... give equal importance to all subject.......
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies