How to prevent your PEN DRIVE from VIRUS

CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth (C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))   (11269 Points)

01 April 2009  

How to prevent your PEN drive from VIRUS

Many of your PC/laptop's normally gets virus because of Pen
Drives or USB devices (Even PC's who are not connected to network ).
Some Virus like Ravmon Virus , Heap41a worm which are not detected by
anti virus normally spreads mostly by the Pen Drives . In such a case
what can you do to prevent your PC from getting infected with Virus
that spreads through USB devices or Pen Drives ?

You can protect your PC by just following the simple steps below . It
won't take much time.

Connect your Pen Drive or USB drive to your computer .
Now a dialogue window will popup asking you to choose among the options as shown


Don't choose any of them , Just simply click Cancel.

 *Now go to Start--> Run and type cmd to open the Command Prompt
window ..
 *Now go to My Computer and Check the Drive letter of your USB drive
or Pen Drive . ( E.g. If it is written Kingston (I:) , then I: will be
the drive letter ..)
 *In the Command Window ( cmd ) , type the drive letter: and Hit Enter
*Now type dir/w/o/a/p and Hit Enter
*You will get a list of files . In the list , search if anyone of the
following do exist

 1. Autorun.inf
 2. New Folder.exe
 3.  Bha.vbs
 4. Iexplore.vbs
 5. Info.exe
 6. New_Folder.exe
 7. Ravmon.exe
 8. RVHost.exe or any other files with .exe Extension .

If you find any one of the files above , Run the command attrib -h -r
-s -a *.* and Hit Enter.
Now Delete each File using the following Command del filename ( E.g
del autorun.inf ) .
That's it . Now just scan your USB drive with the anti virus you have
to ensure that you made your Pen Drive free of Virus .

To know whether ur system is infected just type C:\heap41a in the address bar...
if there is a folder named heap41a, then  ur system is infected...