How to prepare invoice & E-waybill ?

s.murali (commercial manager) (186 Points)

10 June 2018  
one principal jobworker GST registered in another state.That party doing in job work in another state.the jobworker state not registered in GST. Raw material Purchase in job worker place for job work. Actual my problem. 01.How to prepare the invoice with IGST or CGST & SGST. 02.Pricipal job worker GST registered required in another state or not. 03.Pricipal jobwoker after job work finished goods sending to direct to customer , At that time principal jobworker prepare tax invoice ,how to prepare the E- Waybill. 04.Jobworker after jobwork, finished goods send to pricipal jobworker place only.At that time given the Delivery challan & E -waybill . Pl.give your suggestions.