we have received a notice from dept asking to pay the interest on later payment of PF.
please help me how to pay the same....
(40 Points)
Replied 30 June 2016
For Payment of Interest on Late Paymet following procedure may be adopted:-
1. Go to https://esewa.epfoservices.in/ and log in with user name and password.
2. After Log in in Challan Tab Go to "Challan Entry"
3. Fill the Challan Completely and then submit the challan.
4. To Fill the Challan Enter the Amount of Damages in the "Penal Damges" Section and interest amount in Misc Payment (Interest u/s 7Q) section. Fill the exact amount as shown in notice.
5. After Submission of Challan from the "Challan" tab download the challan.
6. Now you can pay the amount of interest with cahllan through online Banking or through challan in your bank.