How to overcome the failure

Prabhat Mittal (Job) (182 Points)

10 August 2014  

After the declaration of Result of Chartered Accountancy examinations, there are a few happy faces of candidates who’ve managed to clear the exams. Their hard work has been rewarded and they are all charged up for a good career ahead. My heartiest congratulations to all the newly qualified chartered accountants. Keep up your high spirits.

But after the results of every CAexams there are many sad faces as well of candidates who’ve failed to clear their exams. With passing percentages of CA exams being too low, very few candidates manage to clear their exams and the rest are declared as failed.

Generally, a high proportion of the candidates who appear for such exams are those who’ve been excellent in their career record throughout; and when they face failure, they get shattered. Many candidates get de-motivated and get depressed about their failing an exam in life. They start blaming their luck and think that such professional courses are not for them. And this is where they go wrong.

You have to accept the fact that passing percentage of such exams cannot be 100%. The regulating bodies cannot declare everyone as pass. But, they never fail anyone. It’s only that they give you another chance to try again. They give you another chance to buckle-up and try again the next time. If they had to fail you – they would never give you another chance to try again.

Failure is not falling down; failure is staying down when you have the choice to get back up.

Failure is not falling down

Sometimes in life you need to fall a little harder to fly a little higher..!!!  :) :)

Here are some interesting quotes on failure:-

  1. Don’t let success go to your head or failure go to your heart.

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