Can any one tell me step by step procedure for obtaining DIN indicating the difference earlier & present provisions?
Nidhi Jain (CS ) (987 Points)
06 February 2012Can any one tell me step by step procedure for obtaining DIN indicating the difference earlier & present provisions?
Keval Ponkiya
(CA CS MBA(Fin.) M.Com. L.L.B.)
(223 Points)
Replied 06 February 2012
3. submit the form !!!
Swagatam Khandelwal
(Company Secretary)
(107 Points)
Replied 06 February 2012
Obtain following documents:
1. self attested copy of PAN Card
2. self attested copy of address proof (the name in the PAN & in the address proof should match)
3. Verification letter signed by the applicant
4. passport size photo
Dowload DIN 1 Form from MCA & fill the same. atttach the scanned documents. the Form will be digitaly signed by either a practising CA/CS/CWA or by a whole time CS of the Company in which the applicant desires to be the director.
the main difference between the new DIN procedures and the old one is that in the old one you have to courier all the documents to DIN Cell and it will take about 10 days time to process the same. However in the new system the DIN will be generated instatntly once the Form is filed.
CA Ashish Lodha
(Chartered Accountant)
(184 Points)
Replied 07 February 2012
borrow munish bhandari of corporate law from a friend, and review it........